After working part-time for a year and the half, I got the letter of offer from Sekolah Vokasional School to study the course, "Agriculture Science". Of course I am happy because I can pursue higher education since the day I scored 3 [U]nbelievable in my "A"level.
I felt excited and at the same time nervous too which I think a lot. Thinking of how I am going to be to start school once again. A lot of thoughts came into my mind before the school start. I think of...

Can I pass all the subjects with flying colors?

Will I be the student that is hardworking and concentrate in every class attended?

Or I will be the same as before which I always sleep in the class ?

Will I be able to complete all the tasks and assignments given by the teachers?

Am I going to be the good student that follow the school's rules and also the A1 student that carries lots of files and things around me?

Or I just be the ROCK & ROLL student?
All these are the thoughts that came into me before the school starts. All these just make me excited and nervous which I'm going to a new environment and also get to know new people. Will I be able to do it? What will I do when the times come?
Finally the days of awaiting for so long had come. All the things that I thought of is going to be reality. School started on the 6th July 2009.
TAPI horr, things turned out to be slightly different as I thought. I'm still the student that carry a backpack filled with books, laptop bag and also files filled with notes.

And I also got voted to become the school's HEADBOY!!! [Thing that I didn't and never think of!]
Sometime I could be the rock & roll student too. But here is what the difference from other school! As an agriculture student, other than studying the theories there are LOT of practical works to do. Not like the practical that I had in secondary school which I sit in the lab and play with the labo gas.
Here is what we do in Wasan Vocational School!

I have the chance to study about Paddy & Rice! Not study in the air-conditioning room BUT under the hot sun and on the mud!!!

We all have the experience of planting the paddy...

Harvesting the paddy...

Processing the paddy...
Paddy is not the only crop that we experienced here, but also the rest which...

We also learn about planting the vegetable crops...
Learning it as in starting from the scratch,

that we had to clear the land for making raised bed for planting...

using machine to cultivate the soil for planting...

Hoe and Shovel had become our new best-friends that we always need it for crop management and maintaining of the drainage...
With all the efforts and hard works that we have to do out theories in the class, assignments and reports coming in non-stop then need to go to the field and do the farming. I can said it is very tiring that sometimes we had to go back at 6 plus in the evening and have to go back to school during the holidays...
That just made me sometime wanna

Despite the tiredness, school life is always fun no matter what.
There are fun things to do too other than working on the field. Things like seeing the crops that we grow from the seeds, by seeing it grow each day to flowering and finally the vegies are ready to be harvested. It just make you happy and have the sense of satisfactions after all the hard works putted in.
And if people ask me what's the fun of what I'm doing in the school. I would answer this...

Driving the tractor around the school campus. School campus is big which took some time to travel here and there, while driving enjoying the wind breeze and the tractor is 4WD some more. It is built for heavy-duty use!
That's my life in Vocational Wasan School.