This is the school where I graduated my primary level back in the year 1999! Chung Hwa Middle School, the only Chinese learning school in Bandar Seri Begawan. The school that is famous in almost everything. The goods things or the bad things, they just can do it well.

One of the hottest news about the school is "sorry sorry toilet bullies" video that had create issue that circulated the blogging nation, facebook and youtube.
Photo edited by SKY

One thing for sure that CHMS less achieved at is Football because they like to catch it with hands instead of legs!!!
But still it is one of the greatest school I'd attended. I'm glad that I'm enrolled in CHMS before because I had one hell of an exciting childhood memories and met lots of awesome people.

10years later today that I go back CHMS not as a student but as a visitor who looks around to see the changes made within the 10years time.

Who knows 10years later I go CHMS no more as a visitor but a father who waits for his sons/daughters to finish school! =.=

Had the back to school trip with Jestina & Yung Shin, both of them also my classmates before.

Walking back around the school does bring back a lot of flashbacks and memories. I moved from Sunshine School, Beribi to CHMS to start my primary two. It was totally stranger and hard for me at first to get get used to the school there and yet I have to study Chinese Language for the very first time.

For the very first year, I was the obedient student that obey all the school rules and hear what the teachers instruct.
Slowly time after time things started to change, I'd turned from obedient to what they called now...

Rock and Roll!!!

Although "Rock & Roll", I managed to graduate my Primary Certificate Examination with 5"A". That was the story in my primary but when it goes to secondary level, it is completely another new chapter beginning.
In 10years time, there would be a lot of changes can be made. But surprisingly during the visit, there are still things that are preserved which does make people reminisces about the sweet old memories.

These pathway is still here and it doesn't change at all. These was the pathway where I had my running test for the Physical Education lesson and I'm fat at that time just like Porky in Bookworm short stories. It was exhausting running from an end to an end!

The staircase here is the area where I had to clean and sweep once a week. The place is cleaned each day according to the one who's in duty and every classes have the chances to clean as each class is assigns to clean at different places of the school.
Other than cleaning the surrounding area of the school,

Now they improves it by beautifying the places with pictures and flowers. It just makes the school looks more colorful and fresh.

When Human Beings Treat The Nature Good Is Also Equal To Treating Themselves Good!

The dental clinic of the school where I always go to pull of my milk teeth & also the treatment of the teeth and it is free!

The place that is very happening during the break time at that time. It is the place where all the students would come out and play. At that time we can see students running here and there, playing ice and water, polices and thieves, pepsi-cola 123, cara kaki & tangan, skipping rope and the most famous games among the boys is the "dodgeball"! Guess that some of the games had gone extinct.

Hello indoor games, BYE-BYE outdoor games. Kids these day would prefer electronic games more than outdoor games.

They had added tiles to the pathway inside the building. It is a long pathway that is connected to every block of the buildings.

This was my class before where I studied my primary 6. Nothing much change except they'd change the door of the classroom. Other than that, the old classic switch of the lights and the fans still there.

As for the classes below, nothing change at all. The doors still the same old doors, the windows still the old same windows and the wired net had turn rusty.

The canteen didn't change also that the benches and the tables there was the benches and tables that I sat 10years ago. The canteen got sells snacks, beverages, ice-creams, foods, stationery, toy in the box and etc. It was so fun during that time when visiting the canteen, there is always a lot to buy and a lot to eat.

The lady boss of Ang Boon Kiat stall and the stall itself is still there. Ang Boon Kiat stall has the most selling among all the stall in the canteen.

The stall that is famous for its Kueh.

Kolomee is one of the most selling foods in the stall. Other than the kolomee, Laksa, fishballs and fried drumsticks also its most selling foods. Too bad, the drumsticks now only available only on every Tuesday. Last time I can have it on every schooling day.
It was really exciting when walking around the schools and saw a lot of things are still preserved. Every corners of the CHMS do have its stories in behind. Even the hostel of the teachers also had its stories that every day after the school ended, it's the place where me and my friends did all the pranks to the teacher that we don't like.

For me, the biggest change of all in the school is the library. The library had re-built on a new block that is bigger and more comfortable that the previous one. CHMS really did a great job in managing its library. Back in 1999, CHMS already had computers in the library for the students to use where as its already 2010 now, the computers in my current school is not yet operate.

The library itself now had improved into two floors where the bottom floor is where all the books located and the top floor is where students can have their self-study time, doing homework time and reading time.

It is so efficiently managed that it even has magazines to read!!!

The books are replaced with newer one that I could not find some of the books I like to read and borrow before like the Bookworm Short Stories, Lat The Kampong Boy and some of the Chinese comic books. Though all these are the classical kick ass story books and comics, the books now replaced also don't lose to the kickness before.

After spending some time looking for books, I managed to find 2books that I like to read before. "The legend of the monkey king, Soon Wu Kong" Like to read it last time because I have the same surname like the character.

Spent one and the half hour walking around the school. Right after the visit, we had our breakfast at PhongMun Restaurant which is one of the oldest restaurants that still operate in Brunei. The photo of the Kampong Ayer is taken in the restaurant.
CHMS, one school that is a wonderful stage that can let you perform well. I personally think that not only CHMS can but every school in Brunei also can let everyone perform. The stage is always there, it's up to you to perform.
There is always bad students in every school no matter what, it is something that can't be escaped. Whenever there is good, there is always bad. The problem isn't the school, it is at our hand. What we want to choose we want to be!